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Musings on English Teachers
3:46 p.m. || April 17, 2005

Stephanie, Stephanie... I can't believe I printed that essay out. LOL. Well, I hope Professor D keeps his sense of humor when reviewing essays... And I do hope that I am the only one who wrote an essay like it! It's not an original idea; that I most certainly know. I just hope it's original in this class... And I do hope he keeps his sense of humor when reading over it... :/ That's what I am most worried about, I think. I don't like to seem... haughty and pretentious? LOL. Those are the words gave me for the usage of "shall" in modern American English. Goodness... I wonder if my essay was even somewhat well-written? Because if Professor D doesn't find it funny, then my grade will be strictly based on how well I wrote the essay.

Yes, I am well aware that college English professors should not grade papers according to the degree of humor in them anyway. But how many professors actually don't? All my English profs are a bunch of crazy people who like to joke around all the time (I'm sure I'll fit right in!). :D That's why I like them so much.

Funny thing is--I don't know if anyone else has ever noticed this about life--English teachers or professors usually have to distinct sides to their personality: on one side, they joke around a lot and just have fun with life, and on the other they take faith and morals quite seriously. Nearly all my English teachers were like that. Well, except in junior high... But considering the kinds of students they have to teach... :) My 7th grade English teacher seemed quite stuck up to me. Or mean or something. I didn't like her much, anyhow. She hardly ever laughed. And my 8th grade teacher? Wow, he was a different story altogether. He laughed--sardonically. He laughed--at us. Then he yelled at us next, demanding why we were all so stupid and weren't getting as many points as we should have been.

(Sidenote: I love all these great words I'm learning as a result of my essay! "Sardonic", "disinclined"...)

I really liked his class, though. He had the most fun English assignments! And we got to publish poetry and short stories... (In the school newspaper, but still! :) )

Um... What was I talking about? English teachers? Oh yeah! My 9th grade teacher was more similar to my junior high teachers than my 10th, 11th, and 12th grade teachers. Small wonder! Freshmen in high school are still, basically, junior highers! That's why a lot of junior highs/middle schools (what's the appropriate term nowadays?) hold the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades. Anyway... So she was a little on the mean side, but she enjoyed joking around a LOT. Then my 10th grade teacher--I'm sure he's less serious when he knows people better (it was his first year teaching there), but he was all seriousness about morals, and caring for other people, and so on and so forth. I liked him a lot.

My 11th grade English/U.S. History was truly one of my favorite teachers in high school. Everyone loves him, really. He was just the right mix of joking and serious, and did such a good job of promoting morals and caring for others without making us feel as if we were the most immoral people on the earth. Gosh, he was a great teacher... He deserves all the honors a teacher can get, I think.

I had 2 English teachers in 12th grade, neither of which I cared for much. Mr. T cared about morals, I suppose, but he didn't do a very good job of showing us. He was one of those teachers who make us feel like children, blind children, when he got on his soap box. But you know what he did the rest of the class time? Let the kids do whatever they wanted. I was in a bad class, too; mostly boys, and mostly alcoholics and slackers.

(Do any of you start to see why I tend to be bitter and cynical about guys sometimes? :) )

Mrs. D let us do basically whatever we wanted, too, but in a different sort of way. She never got on a soap box about morals after letting us surf the Web when we should have been writing r�sum�s and such (it was a Technical Writing class); the things she yelled at us for were strictly school-policy related things, like being late to class, etc. For the most part she just joked around and had fun, so people liked her well enough. I liked her, too, but I do wish she'd kept a little more control over the class.

And that concludes all my teachers up to this point. You guys know of Professor Hill (the "Absent-Minded Professor") and Professor D. :) They are actually the only two English professors I've had this year, since I had D for two classes.

Speaking of classes in past tense, it's April 17th already!!! I can't believe it!! These last couple months have just flown by!!

I need one of those counter-down things that Courtney has, for the end of the school year. :) Wonder where she got hers?



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