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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Demolition of Morrison
3:05 p.m. || April 21, 2005

This is really hilarious.

There's an old dorm on campus that has been condemned since the beginning of the year. They just started the demolition yesterday. A whole group collects outside the fence to watch every day, fascinated by the destruction of a brick building that has stood there for decades. It really is amazing how easily the demolition crane (what do you call that machine?) turns the brick and mortar walls into powder.

I watched for some time today, even got close to the fence with all the others (who were hooting and hollering like lunatics... LOL!). I didn't hoot and holler, however. Although it was kinda cool to see the huge claw pick up a piece of flooring, raise it up high, and let it drop to the ground beneath it.

Every now and then the workers who are not doing the demolishing use a gigantic hose to spray down the bricks or the machine to lessen the dust. Well, as we were standing outside the fence today, the hose was lying on the ground, and the nozzle was sort of pointed toward us. They turned it on... You should've seen us run!! It was SO funny!! I ran, too, panicked by the idea of getting absolutely soaked from that powerful spray, when it was already cold and rainy outside. It was so, so hilarious, though, the way we screamed and ran... :D

They've knocked down a complete section of the dorm, and surprisingly, I am sad. It was neat while some of it was still standing... But after even that was reduced to rubble, I looked at the rest of the huge building (it really is a big dorm!) and couldn't help but be sad about them tearing it down.

However, it was getting to be a health hazard because it was so old. Mildew grew everywhere, I've heard, and I know that is really unhealthy. It did look nice from the outside... But inside, probably not so much. I wish, though, I could have gone inside it at least once. Just to see what it looked like inside.

Oh well.


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