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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

College Crud
6:56 p.m. || April 05, 2006

Oh my goodness. Madness. Absolute madness. That's what's going on right now. Between doing taxes, registering for next year's classes, and filling out the FAFSA, this week is filled with--that's right--madness. Oh my goodness.

NNU has adopted a new catalog. It has deleted a few majors, added a few courses, deleted a few courses, lowered the credits for some courses they've kept, and changed several other courses they've kept. Those of us who are here now have the choice whether to stay with the old catalog or use the new one. (The freshmen that come in next year will have to use the new catalog.) However, it makes it difficult when they've done away with some of the classes in the old catalog! I have to figure out which of the new courses will substitute for the courses I am required to have according to the old catalog. But I am not changing to the new one. With the new catalog, I have 77 credits left. And only four semesters to get them in (if I want to graduate in four years)! That's 19 credits a semester, plus one semester of 20 credits. THAT'S INSANE. With the old catalog, praise be to God--He must be looking out for all the English Ed majors somewhere up there!--I only have 65 credits left. That's three semesters of 16 credits and one of 17 credits. That's NICE.

Figuring out which courses to take when, however, is getting very, very aggravating. Almost all the courses I have to take are offered just one semester. And a few of these one-semester-only classes are offered alternate years--meaning that if they are available next year and I don't take them or can't take them, I'm out of luck, unless I stick around for the year after my senior year to take them.

It would be wonderful if NNU planned 2 years in advance and gave us the list of courses and the times they're available for this year and the next. I'd be done already! But not knowing whether a course will be offered my senior year at a time I can take it doesn't help. I'm telling you, they WANT to keep us here for five years. It's all about money! We're paying $22,000 a year and it's STILL not enough! It's a conspiracy against all the NNU students and their parents! They want us all to be broke just so they can have money! AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!

Yeah, I'm being melodramatic. On purpose. :)

But, good heavens. They could make this so much easier if they gave us 2-year Course Bulletins. :(

Well, I need to go write my fdjbvoiweurkdfjdiufcfjpwoiubckjs-afjopwieubmaniuetksmgncibvqkgiop research paper.

And that's how I feel about THAT.


Wow. I had a paper to write every day this week. Monday night I worked on my Research Writing draft. Tuesday night I wrote my Theology paper. Today I wrote a response paper for Geography and my final draft for Research Writing alternative position paper. Tomorrow I'll be writing a paper for Psychology. Oh yeah, and studying for my Theology exam.

Wow. That's a lot of work.

::falls into bed::

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