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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Graduations And Stuff
6:52 p.m. || May 22, 2006

Here comes that rainy day feeling again
And soon my tears, they will be falling like rain
It always seems to be a Monday
Leftover memories of Sundays always spent with you
Before the clouds appeared and took away my sunshine

It's raining today. REALLY raining, like it has been for the last few days. It's still spring here, despite the 90 degree temperatures last week right before the grand thunderstorm Friday. I love rain but I am having trouble getting used to it, LOL... I feel like we should be in full swing of summer now, since I'm out for "summer break." But it'll be in the 90s and 100s before long... Then I'll be wishing for rain again. So I better enjoy this!

I think everyone else online went on summer break too. I haven't heard from anybody in quite a while. Chuck talks to me on occasion, but I talk to him as little as possible. Not solely because he creeps me out--which he does somewhat--but just because I don't know what to say to him and he doesn't talk. People, if you're gonna IM me, TALK. I love conversation just as much as the next person! I'm just not good at making it, and if you IM me, you better be ready with something to say.

*HS and *HS 's graduations are NOT on the same day! Yay! I have like 6 friends graduating from one high school and just a couple graduating from my own high school. If they were on the same day, I'd go to the other high school's graduation (not mine).

And then Nate would kill me because he is graduating from my high school this year.

Which is why I'm making a point of going to both, even though I'm not that interested in going to my own school's.

We made a lot of promises to each other when we were going out. Scratch that, I made a lot of promises to him when we were going out. Stupid, stupid, stupid. And I'm following through with them. I'm not sure if that's stupid or okay.

I basically promised him that if I ever came back, our relationship was "meant to be." Multiple times. Probably my hugest mistake. That boy listens to that kind of stuff! That's why I'm never going back. Ever. I know if I do I'll get trapped into staying with him for way longer than I'd ever want to be. He'll pull it on me... He'll say, "You promised! Remember when you said...???" He'll cry. He'll give me those eyes. He'll pull every emotional string he can and make me follow him like a puppet... A trapped puppet.

That's why I can't ever go back.

Word to the wise: never make promises you can't or won't or even may not keep. Especially to boys who are attached to you with an extremely strong emotional bond. Especially if it's your fault he's attached in the first place.

No humor in that. I'm really serious.

I'm gonna go wander over to my poetry diary. (Also known as my art blog.)


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