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My Bucket Lists
Dreams and Goals - 2004
Bucket List - 2019

The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

7:48 p.m. || March 21, 2003

Spring! Spring! Spring! Spring has sprung in the valley! Yayyyy!

We have violets outside our house. Our tulips are budding. Our non-cherry tree (we don�t know what it is :) ) is begnning to blossom. There are daffodils everywhere! The weather was shaping up last week, but now it�s rainy again. Oh well, it�s SPRING!

LOL. I sound like that Beggin� Strips ad. �It�s BACON!!!� LOL!

I�m so glad it�s Friday. I GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW! I�m so tired. Yesterday we got home from Mass Band and Choir at 10:20 p.m. The ride home was fun-- Chelsy and I sang a ton of songs the whole way down. We first started out singing praise & worship songs with my sister, but then Sam stopped singing and Chelsy, Landi and I sang songs from Disney movies. But that was hard! My brain kept freezing on the words. I know mostly all the words from Disney songs, but with all those people, and so tired, they just didn�t come to me.

Oh, wow. When we had a break before the concert, Chelsy, Sam, and I went up to the grand piano on the stage of the auditorium and sang praise & worship songs a cappella-- there, in front of everyone. Everyone! It was so incredible. I couldn�t play the piano up there-- no, I will never be able to play the piano in front of people --but I could sing. Singing, I could make all the sounds of all the people talking fade away and disappear, just listening to myself and Chels and Sam. It was wonderful.

But, would you believe it?! While I attempted playing God and God Alone and Was It A Morning Like This, I attracted certain people. The two guys in Jazz Choir that all the girls crush on! I�ve crushed on them myself. And they came to listen to me! But I couldn�t play-- I just couldn�t remember the notes with so many people surrounding me, talking, talking, talking! It really scared me. My hands were shaking pretty bad after I finally made myself quit. (I hate admitting weakness. [Geez, I could be a guy!] It took a while for me to finally give up and stop playing.)

But, wow! Those two guys coming up to hear me. Wow. How cool.

Yi. I have GOT to get my mind off guys. Boys are evil!

And so hard not to like!


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