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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Risk-Taking and Vet-Visiting
2:55 p.m. || July 13, 2006


At the coffee shop with my friends.

Me: "Should I?"
Liz: "Do it! Do it!"
Me: {seriously} "Are you sure?"
Liz: "Yeah. You should."

Dialing with slightly shaky fingers.

Me: {suddenly really freaked out} "Oh my gosh, I'm going to hang up..."
Liz: "No, you're not!"

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Isaac: "Aerosoles [Industries? Footwear?], this is Isaac.
Me: "Isaac?"
Isaac: "Yes, this is [he? him?]."
Me: {enter incessant nervous laughter and vain attempts to control it} "Hi, this is Stephanie from **********..."
Isaac: {stunned silence}
Me: {hurriedly, worrying} "How's work? Are you busy right now?"
Isaac: "No, actually, you a good time; some customers I was helping just left... Wow." {enter periodic, astonished "Wows" on his part}

Eh... I don't remember everything else in sequence. I know he asked me how I'd gotten up the courage to do it. I know I blamed my friends a lot. (See last entry for true explanation.) He asked me how my paper was. Mostly he just said, "Wow" and "I can't believe this" and tried to think of stuff to say, LOL! I do remember hearing him say, "I'm real." And I told him, "I'm real, too." Cheeseball, I know, but it had to be said. I said it to Angela, too, when she called me. :D

I remember hesitating to tell him I was on my cell for a couple of reasons, one of which being I knew he'd say, "You mean I'm using up your minutes?" Which he did, after asking if I was on a landline or a...not sure if he said mobile or cell or what. It wasn't the world's greatest connection. ::shrug:: I don't have the world's greatest carrier. I got my sis's hand-me-down phone.

Anyway. That was by far the craziest, nuttiest, most insane thing I have ever done in my life, and I feel good about that. :D It was so much fun.

Take a risk
Take a chance
Join the club
Join the dance
Learn to fly
Learn to soar
Strive for joy
Strive for more
Be brave--
Just do
Be brave--
Be you!

-Author Unknown

So that's a really cheesy inspirational quote, but the "Take a risk" part jumped in my head and it was appropriate.

In other news, I took my kitty--or rather, Sam's friend's kitty that we're taking care of for a while--Digger to the vet today. Digger's a fearless little lion. He attacks all our animals, dogs and cats alike, just playing with them, but our cats don't think it's very funny. Well, he got himself in trouble for being so friendly. We noticed it about a week ago; he couldn't hold his eye open, and it was a little pink around the edges. We thought he had pinkeye but found out he had an ulcer from taking a claw to the eye from a cat, probably one of ours. So we've been putting this eye gook in his eye. He doesn't like it very much, but he's a very sweet cat and forgives us every time.

Today was his check-up to see how he was doing. His eye's healed up, but he has a scar, so now we get to give him eye drops.

There's nothing to make you a careful driver like a cop behind you or a kitty in a kitty carrier in the back seat. :D I drove r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w-l-y, afraid of having to brake too quickly and send him in his carrier sliding off the seat! I think Digger was too scared to say anything until the very last bit, when we pulled into the parking lot; he started mewing then, but only twice.

He was scared on the vet's table, too, in his carrier. I was amazed. I stuck my fingers in the cage and he put his face up to them like they were a solace; he didn't bite or whack at them like he usually would. Poor kitty... He must've been really terrified.

When we opened the cage for the doctor to take a look, he came about halfway out, and when he saw the hands ready to greet him were not familiar hands but a stranger's, they had to drag him out the rest of the way.

They put a lot of stuff in his eye and it was hard to watch. But it was over quite quickly, and Digger went very willingly back into his cage. :) The doctor said his ulcer has healed up nicely, but the scar's still there. He gave me some eye drops for him to make it fade. It's right over his pupil. He'd probably have trouble seeing if we left it there.

Poor kitty. I think that trip was a little traumatizing for both of us. :') Glad he's okay, though.

That's all for today! Off to get some packing done.


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