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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

A TWIRP Date?!
11:44 a.m. || September 07, 2006

Okay, so that was cool. :D

Today I woke up 10 minutes before class started. I scrambled to get wash my face, get dressed and brush my teeth, not even taking the time to use toothpaste. Instead I chewed on a piece of gum on the way to class to do away with the morning breath/taste. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail to cover up yesterday's dents made from hairties.

After my class, I was thinking, Okay, do I want to go back and take a quick shower before work, or do I want to eat breakfast? I thought I had decided on taking a shower, but when I walked past the Dex, the gnawing in my stomach won out.

For lunch and dinner I usually try to sit with people and be sociable, but in the mornings I don't even bother. It's usually too early to make conversation anyway. So I went to the first table I saw and sat alone. As I was finishing up my banana pancakes, a random guy came up to my table and said, "Can I sit here?" A random guy! What the heck?? Random people don't usually come sit by me if I'm by myself, and especially not random guys! I knew right off the bat he must be a freshman. I still remember bravely going up to tables of people I didn't know when I was a freshman, just for the sake of trying to make friends so I wouldn't end up being more or less a loner like I was in junior high/high school.

So we started talking. Luckily I was in a talkative, easygoing mood. I do have my days. :) He has a very unique face that I thought I recognized. (You pretty much recognize everybody on campus after being here for a while, it's so small.) So we talked about whether we had classes together or not. He did turn out to be a freshman, but a nontraditional transfer student. He was 21. He's a Computer Science major, though, so we DEFINITELY didn't have any classes together, LOL. I guess I've just seen him around. He does have a unique face: small, with thick eyebrows that come rather sharply down over his eyes. He'd make a good villain in a movie or something. :) He's from the big city, which I thought was cool, since I'm kind of familiar with it. He also worked in a pizza place this summer. Actually longer than this summer, but anyway, HA! Cool. That gave us something to talk about for a while.

My favorite part of being an upperclassman is being an upperclassman. You're the ones the freshies come to to ask questions about the campus, the professors, the classes, etc. The sophomores are only, like, one step above freshmen, but a junior is TWO steps up, ooh! LOL. So the freshmen come to us. I really like that.

I hope I get to see Josh again. (Oh yeah, his name was Josh, BTW. That was actually the LAST thing we said to each other after we'd talked for half an hour, LOL.) I think he might be my TWIRP date. TWIRP is completely not serious, so it'd be kind of like a fun get-to-know-you night. Now to come up with a creative way to ask him. I've wanted to go to TWIRP every year, but I'm just too scared to ask guys I know to come with me. I'm afraid that I'll give the wrong impression, like maybe I'm romantically interested, and then the whole night will just be awkward... But anyway. I don't know Josh, but we got along all right today, so I think it'll be fun.

LOL, I talk like I've already asked and he's already said yes. We'll see. YAY! I finally get to ask someone to TWIRP!

Homecoming is in November... I hope somebody asks me! I have the prettiest dress that I brought especially for that banquet... But if nobody asks me, I'll just go with a group of girls.

Life is exciting. :)


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