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Sacrifices and Revelations
11:27 p.m. || August 20, 2007

I wonder why girls think it's romantic to wear their boyfriend's clothes? I'm like that too, but I've never thought about it before.

There was a MySpace advertisement that said, "Wearing his clothes - is he okay with it?" and if you click on it it'll give you the results of a poll on whether or not guys are okay with it. The percentage was lower than I thought it would be, but I saw it and kind of laughed to myself: They probably think, "Well, yeah, as long as she gives it back..."

And that's when it occurred to me that it might not be as romantic to guys as it is to girls. And I wonder why girls think it's romantic. How strange.

I know part of the attraction is that guys' cologne smells reeeaaaally good and we want that on us. I've confessed to this myself. ;) (See this entry.) But there's something that speaks of security in a guy letting you wear his clothes. Of course, in most relationships, that's a false sense of security, a daydream that girls fall into.

That actually makes for a good segue into the next thing I was going to talk about. That entry I mentioned is about Nate's smell. He called me on Thursday and again on Sunday. : I wouldn't have listened to Sunday's voicemail if I'd have known it was him. But my phone's screen was dark and I couldn't tell. Anyway. So I had to listen to it. He sounded like my not answering his phone calls was getting to him. I don't think he's gathered yet that I never want to speak to him again, but I think he thinks I've got a new cell phone or something and haven't told him. HEY... That's not a bad idea actually! Wow, I'll have to think on that one. Except I just got this one, ew. But I've been thinking of getting a "real" cell phone forever now (as opposed to a TracFone). This is just another reason to do that.

I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to the SYTYCD performance. The tickets I wanted that were only $107 got sold out, and the next lowest tickets are $134. It's amazing what difference $30 can make.

It's a good show. I'll watch it again next summer and enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed this year's. And my life is not going to end if I don't see them in person. I just have to remember that, and quit living in this "I must do everything NOW!" frame of mind.

Okay... I have to go to bed, so here I go to hurry stuff up.

I figured out something interesting today. It was actually from watching an episode of Friends. Apparently that show is highly applicable to real life, good grief. Who knew?

Anyway, it was the episode where Chandler tells Joey that he likes this girl, Cathy, that Joey is dating. Joey tells Chandler one night that he's having dinner with Casey before he goes out with Cathy. Chandler tries to appear shocked and says, "But Cathy is your girlfriend!" Joey tells him, "Well, we're not exclusive or anything."

Not exclusive.

That was the part that got me. In summary, it's never occurred to me before that dating could not be exclusive. Dating has always been exclusive to me. This year going on casual dates here and there with different guys didn't strike me as wrong because I didn't count them as real dates. It was just hanging out with some guys for a bit, one at a time.

This summer--well, this whole year, kind of--I started feeling pressured to buckle down and focus on one of the three guys who appeared to be showing interest in me--even just in getting to know me better. It felt wrong to kind of return the interest to all of them at once. And I started to get stressed out about it, because I couldn't for the life of me make a decision as to which one to focus on. Everybody was telling me I didn't have to do that, but I didn't get it until I saw that Friends episode and realized that seeing a few different guys at once may not be a bad thing, as long as I'm not making any pretenses about being serious to any one of them (or all of them :D ).

So. Very enlightening revelation, and I'm glad it came to me.

So, I guess what I need to say is: I'm not going to make any pretenses now about being serious. I'm not [serious], not at this point. I keep thinking I need to be, which makes it confusing, but I've actually tried now, very hard, to pick one guy to focus on and have not succeeded in the least. So I just need to wake up and smell the Central Perk coffee and realize that it's okay to see different guys at once as long as there are no pretenses about being serious.

Right. As if altering my whole system of beliefs on dating is that simple. :)

But I'll make it, no prob. :)

Gotta go. 'Night, all.


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