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My Bucket Lists
Dreams and Goals - 2004
Bucket List - 2019

The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Closing of One Chapter, Opening of Another
2:20 p.m. || December 31, 2007

Happy New Year! It's 2008! Oh wow, what a great year... I graduate this year, I'm getting married this year... That pretty much makes it the greatest year ever. :)

My old roommate Jenny is visiting me for the weekend. Steve and I picked her up from the airport on Saturday, the day after I got back from visiting my grandparents. She, Steve and I celebrated the new year by going swing dancing. The three of us had a great time. Jenny learned to swing dance and I got my first New Year's kiss ever. We were all exhausted by the end and Jenny and I were really giggly. It was fun. :)

I had a good time visiting with my grandparents and meeting up with a few old friends in my hometown. I talked to my youth pastor about officiating for our wedding, and he said he would happily do it--with an absolutely deadpan face. :) His face didn't change one bit all the while I was talking. That's my youth pastor... He's so serious about everything! Anyway. I reserved the church for October 4, and kept October 11 open, in case my youth pastor has a conflict October 4 (we'll know by May, but he says it's likely he'll be able to work something out for the 4th). But the goal date is October 4.


I was updating one of my online profiles and I wrote, "I'm getting married to the most wonderful man on earth..." And that was just too weird to think about, LOL. So instead I changed it to, "I just got engaged..." That's a little easier for me to grasp.

Switching subjects... I don't know if I've written it in here, but since I started going out with Stephen I've been wishing like crazy that Nate, who still calls me every three weeks or so, would call me on my cell phone while I'm with Steve, so Steve could answer it and either shock Nate into never calling again (I stopped speaking to him before I even met Steve), or at least talk to him and let him know I do not want to speak to him anymore.

Well, Nate kept calling when Steve wasn't around. I never answered his calls, but it was extremely frustrating that he always seemed to call on the weekends right before Stephen came, or right after he left, or whatever. I began to think maybe it wasn't part of God's plan after all to have him call while I was with Steve. I kept holding out hope for over Christmas break, though. That's a nice big chunk of time, and I'll be spending most of it with Stephen! Surely God will prompt him to call then, when I'm with Steve, I thought.

And then Mom and I went to my grandparents' house--the one time in all the break I'd be away from Steve. I crossed my fingers and prayed I wouldn't see Nate (he's back in my hometown) and that he wouldn't call. Wednesday went by, no call. Thursday went by, nothing. Friday came... Mom and I started driving back about 1:30 p.m. At about 5:00, Nate called. "Dang it!!" I said as I pulled the phone out from my purse and saw the caller name. I punched "Ignore" and flopped back in my seat, frustrated. "I guess I'll just have to have Steve call him," I said to Mom, defeated. To console myself, I imagined how the conversation would go. Nate would answer with, "Stephanie! Why don't you ever return my calls?" and Steve would respond, "Actually, this is her fiance..." And I let the ideas roll.

Saturday Steve came and got me at 11 and drove us to the airport to get Jenny. As we were walking toward the baggage claim, arm in arm, Steve jolted back. "You're buzzing!" he said. His arm had been right up against my purse and my phone was on vibrate.

I scrambled to zip open my purse and grabbed my phone.

"Nate cell" was calling.

I took one look, and showed it to Steve.

Stephen took the phone and hit "Answer." I stared at the ground as I listened intently to what Steve said.

Steve: "Um... Yeah, she's right here, but...This is actually her fiance... December 12... Yep... Not really. Mm-hm. Thanks. Bye."

Nate (my conjectures): "Hi, is Stephanie there?... (shell-shocked) What! When did that happen?... Wow... So, uh, I guess she doesn't really want to talk to me then?... Well, okay. I guess... That's it. Well, congratulations...And...Bye."

And that was that.

That boy is out of my life. FOREVER!!

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

And I have a new one in my life.

Somebody please tell me, though. If I get tired of spending time with him occasionally, is that a bad sign or is it just because of my introverted tendencies? I keep joking to people, "Yeah, we've had to take a few days off of each other for my sake..." And people keep joking back...Or at least I think they're joking..."Wow, if you need to take days off of each other, I don't know if you should be getting married!"

But I'm just introverted! I need alone time. I get my energy from being alone.

This has become a recurring question/doubt and it seriously worries me. I think we're fine, but nobody else seems to understand...


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