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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

One Step at a Time
12:41 a.m. || July 06, 2008

I took some steps towards growing up today. It felt good.

Stephen's been battling some kind of funky fever/cough the last week, and also battling lack of sleep since Petey had been keeping him up at night with worry. Every time Petey started making noise from his cage, Steve would wake up and go talk to him sternly, afraid he was going to get out and tear up the apartment again.

So today Steve was pretty worn out. He leaned against my air mattress (not the greatest back support :P ), starting to doze off. I felt bad that he was laying there, sick, tired and probably uncomfortable. We didn't really have a place where he could nap comfortably. Normally I would have worried for a few minutes and then decided, Well, if he's comfortable there... But my conscience struck me, like it's been striking me all week, and I decided to take a step and be grown-up. I had to gather up the courage first and say to myself (and partly to Steve), "Okay. I'm being grown up." Then I looked at Steve and said humbly, "How can I help you right now?" just like he's been saying to me since we first started encountering stress in our relationship.

I can't describe his facial expression. There were a few moments of silence that brought tears to my eyes. After a minute, Steve took my hands, said, "Come here," and pulled me to him in a hug. Which of course did it for me...The tears poured over. And I kept crying for a little bit. I'd been needing it all week.

Stephen is so incredibly patient with me. He always has been, ever since we first met. He amazes me and makes me wish I were more like him. Or more like Christ.

He said that was a big step. It probably was. I have a lot left to learn though.


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