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Bucket List - 2019

The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

2:16 p.m. || January 15, 2009

Dear God,

Heather is engaged now. She finally found somebody to marry, after years and years of messing around in emptiness. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord, that she can start to heal from all the pain in her life, whatever its causes. Please hold Heather and Corey together, and if it's your will, bring them to your side. She was always such a sweet-hearted girl afflicted with pain from her own mistakes and the mistakes of others. Oh Lord, help her be that sweet-hearted girl for good now. And keep and protect her little Adia. Let Corey be a good father.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Heather was a girl I knew from Jazz Choir in high school. I'm not close to her, but I've never forgotten her. She was one of the sopranos that actually attempted to be friends with me.

Sopranos can be very snobby. It's a pattern I've seen over and over again. They pride themselves on being able to reach those super-high notes, the ones that everybody hears.

Heather wasn't snobby like the other girls. She was pretty sarcastic, though. I admired her in her non-sarcastic moments, because she could sing those high notes without shirking like I do. And she was pretty self-confident, which I envied. She took solos a lot, although she didn't ask for them.

She had a little girl the year after we graduated from high school, with the class clown of the school, whom everybody knew. They were highly physical with each other even in public. Once they were making out on the school bus in a back seat. I remember hearing her giggling and seeing her bra strap fall down.

She's not with that guy anymore, but he is the father of her little girl. Adia gets to see both of them. I don't know anything else.

When I found Heather on MySpace, she had a lot of almost pornographic pictures of herself, and a lot of emo-looking pictures. I hardly recognized her in the emo-looking pictures. She also put up albums and albums of pictures of her little daughter. She isn't smiling in any of the pictures except the ones with Adia.

So she's been on my heart for a long time. And now she's finally found someone who can take care of her and her daughter. I can only pray that it works out, not knowing at all what her fiance is like and knowing way too many heartbreaking stories of serious relationships ending.

Things were never intended to be broken. Relationships were never supposed to end that way.

That's what my heart says.


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