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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Not a Coffee Drinker or a Morning Person
8:42 p.m. || October 17, 2010

Totally unrelated in relation to anything else I am going to write about today: I need to stop thinking about my mom when I think about names for future babies. My mom can be harsh in her ridicule of things she finds contrary to her brand of common sense. (I love her anyway. Her ridicule can often be quite hilarious. :) ) So I need to get her ridicule out of my subconscious when I think about baby names. Just an interesting thing that dawned on me today.

Before I go into today, I just want to say that yesterday went very well. Work was blissfully slow and not-stressful, thanks be to God. Sara, Rachel, Amy, Hannah and Darcey all came. We had a good time, although my apartment was ridiculously hot and humid for some reason... Not exactly tea-drinking-friendly circumstances! :P But it tasted good anyway.

It didn't go as well as I had hoped, but it didn't go badly at all. The problem was simply that I'm just not very organized about these things, and neither is anybody else, LOL. So we were kind of swimming in uncertainty of how to go about things for a bit. But nobody was at loss for conversation, which was really great. Amy and Sara chatted about Levi (who also came :) He's 8 months old now!), while the other 4 of us chatted behind the couch. Darcey told bits and pieces of her story and the way she communicated with me felt really great--I know that I was her friend in that party, which makes me glad. What I mean is, you know how you're in a group of people you don't know, big or small, and you gravitate toward that one person you know in the group and are so thankful for that friend? Well, I have always been the one feeling lost and alone and clinging to that one friend for support, but with Darcey, I got to be the supportive friend. I can't explain how glad it made me. Because I feel as though I have FINALLY moved from one stage of life on to the next. Hallelujah!

Anyway, that party was pretty much about Darcey for me, LOL. My other goal with it was accomplished as well. She now knows some more friendly faces at Countryside, and they know her, too. I'm so excited that that goal was accomplished. :)

So, on to today, because today was good, too. And also involved Darcey, LOL.

Every year our church kicks off small groups in the fall by hosting a Sunday night event where we go through a series that Paul (our pastor) is preaching through. This year we're doing a series by Tim Keller called Gospel in Life. It's a lot better than the last two we've been through, in my opinion. Tim Keller is a pretty awesome author.

The main purpose behind the Sunday-night thing is to get people who have no small groups into a small group and/or more connected to the church body. What happens is that they set up tables in the "multi-purpose room" (sanctuary/gym/anything else needed) so that people can sit in small groups, and then in those small groups we discuss the book and the short video session for the study. A happy answer to our prayers--Darcey has been coming to this. She came last week and again this week, and I think she is going to continue coming. Stephen and I go simply because we're taking our small group through the series on Monday nights, and Sunday night serves as a kind of preparation/practice run of the material. Very nice.

The leaders of our table are a couple with teenage kids. They're pretty great. Faber leads us and Michelle pitches in. I've seen Michelle several times before at different Marriage Ministry events; she always struck me as the type of very busy woman that just socializes with everybody and is friends with everybody and such. She's pretty outgoing. I've always thought she and I were very different, and we are different, but tonight I learned that we're not as different as I thought. Some parts of our lives overlap. Tonight we talked about idols, and the kinds of things we worry about, stress about, and put in place of God. She mentioned one of her kids that she worries about a lot, and it sounded just exactly like how I worry or have worried about Sam in the past. I completely identified with her and told her about Sam. Afterward, Michelle asked me out to coffee, since we "seemed to have similar backgrounds."

I just think it's funny that I am neither a coffee drinker nor a morning person, and all these ladies are asking me out to coffee.

So we're going to coffee Friday morning at 10:30. I kinda sorta hope she doesn't want to make it a weekly thing, since I'm already meeting with Georgene once a week. But it's kind of fun that an older, more mature woman is taking an interest in my life. I've been praying for that for a LONG time. So we'll see where this goes.

Sigh... I didn't really finish, but I really need to get to bed. Work tomorrow cleaning flowers. And then work on Tuesday, too, driving--wonder of wonders! Dan is going to be gone and Dave won't be substituting for him! I get extra hours and extra dollars. Sweeeeet. :)

Yaaaaawwwwn! Good night!


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