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I Love My Sister. :D
6:40 p.m. || March 22, 2011

Dear God,

Thank you!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!


I am so stinking proud of my sister. :) Besides asking amazing questions, she has been posting lots of Christian music videos and putting prayers and Christian song lyrics in her statuses. Today she put in a Bible verse, the one about Jesus being the Good Shepherd and laying His life down for His sheep. AND in the debates with W. (see yesterday's entry's addendum), she even quoted a Bible verse, and then corrected herself and quoted the verse following. Know what all this means? She is actually reading the Bible, which is awesome. I told her to do that months ago....Just hoping it would take root in her mind....Looks like it did! Praise God. :D

These are some of the amazing questions she's been asking W.:

"If Satan is not to blame for bad then who is? What makes humans make poor decisions? And what about those who have no faith. What drives them to do bad. Human nature? The stuff we see on TV? And if so then what is it that makes that stuff bad? I am so confused...Though God defeated the devil, the devil is still alive and at work. Is he not?"

"And what gives us the inclination to act of sin? Free will? And if it were free will and we act out in such a way then who is to say it is human nature to blame or evil? And what makes a human evil?"

"So if human nature is not that nor is it what God intended then what is it? And why is the world not in right with God? Why do we choose not to follow Him? Who do we follow? There has to be someone. And that someone, who do they follow? That someone we follow can be self right? And to follow self is not right by God which means what?"

"You talk about 'God's prevenient grace allows all of us, even non-Christians, to have access to God.' But we are taught that the only way to God is accepting Jesus as our personal Savior. So, how can non-Christians have access to God if they do not believe in Jesus? Maybe I misunderstood again."

It made me laugh, because she was actually doing a fantastic job of pointing out the errors in W.'s beliefs. You can also see her own errors in belief, too, but she's brand new to all this. I'm not even sure what her concept of her own salvation is, since she doesn't currently believe in the sinfulness of humans....But it seems like it's holding, and I believe that, with all the questions she's asking, God will start to make things clear to her soon. She may have to re-decide that this is what she believes in...But I've done that most of my life, LOL. And like I said. I honestly think that this might be holding.

I love my sister, and I am so glad that God is finally drawing her near to Him.

Lord God, I believe that you have been working in her life all along. Please show us more of your work in her life, Father. Amen.



I'm relieved that Margie finally stepped up and spoke her thoughts on my Fb status. I know I was speaking the truth, and I have God with me--but it was a relief to have somebody (other than my husband) backing me up.

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