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My Bucket Lists
Dreams and Goals - 2004
Bucket List - 2019

The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

12:07 p.m. || February 10, 2006

I'm sitting here bawling because I think my mom got me a plane ticket to Angela's state for my birthday.

I'm not sure about this, but this is the voice mail my mom left me today:

"{singing} Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Stephie!
Happy birthday to you!

Oh, my little girl's twenty....I hope you're having a good day. There should be a little surprise coming along the way, and I hope that comes... I'd like to hear about it."

It might not be something as incredible as a plane ticket, but obviously it's something good. She wouldn't tell me she'd like to hear about it if it wasn't... I was kind of wondering. She sent me five small presents in the mail this week: a necklace, a blanket, a tiara, a pen, and a keychain. I was wondering why they were so small... It was just strange, because she usually gives more expensive presents. I don't mean that's what matters. Gosh, of course it's not. I'm thankful when people even remember my birthday. But it was just strange, like I said.

Anyway... Wow. I wonder what the present is?

More later, I suppose...

Hm. I just reviewed my prayer from last year's birthday entry. I think I need to say that prayer again. And look at my devotional for today...

It's been a good day. I had a party/hang-out time with several of my girl friends who didn't go to the Valentine's Day party. We had pizza and snacks and played BLURT! and then watched Newsies. It was fun. :) I got a bouquet of lavendar roses from a girl on my wing... I think that was my favorite present. :D Besides the one my mom is sending me. Man, I can't wait to get it. I'll be thinking about it all weekend! Anyway... I got so much neat stuff. It was grand. :D

My aunt sent me a gigantic 2000-page book with "The Contessa's Diary" on the front. When I got it, I thought, "That looks like a cool book to read!" And I opened it... And it was totally blank. I guess I'm supposed to fill it up with my life story. :) I like the idea of being a Contessa, though! That's such a pretty word. I might have to name my daughter that... And then my other daughter can be Cadence.

That is, provided I even have two girls. LOL. Girls run in our family, but it would be just like God to bless me with some rambunctious boys. {rolls eyes} LOL. Hopefully I marry somebody who's really good with boys. :)

I got a penguin blanket from Mom. YES. :D I knew that's what it was, is the hilarious thing. At Christmas Mom had bought this adorable fleece penguin blanket, and I almost just kept it for myself, but it was supposed to be for my little cousin AleAnn or someone. I almost gave it to Nate's sister, Hannah, but then that didn't work out either. I just left it at home when I went to Mississippi and forgot about it... But when the package came in the mail I knew instantly what it was. :D So now I have the cute penguin blanket anyway!

Mom also got me a pretty tiara--a real one with rhinestones. I have a cute plastic one already, but I've never had a tiara. Now I can feel like a REAL princess! :)

Wow, this entry is full of lots of smiley faces. Well, you can tell I have had a happy birthday indeed! It's great that it was good in spite of not being able to be with my mom and sister and grandparents... They all called me (except Sam) today, by the way. And my grandparents sang happy birthday to me together, and Grandpa harmonized just like he always does... Oh, man, I love my family. I love how our traditions are the same way every year. I love how they have loved me just the same for 20 years now.

Wow... Twenty years. That's so OLD. Twenty years ago just seems like such a long time. I guess because I live in a world of computers and digital everything, and technology changes so fast that the 80's seem like... I don't know, the dark ages. LOL.

Twenty. What a milemarker age. I have been walked this earth for two decades.

Well, I believe I shall be off to bed. Tomorrow Choir Tour begins... Yaaay. (Hear my enthusiasm?) Oh well... Good night.


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